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Kirkwall Primary, P6, what year?
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Kirkwall Primary, P6, what year?

Marion writes:
'Papdale primary school class 6 - no idea of the year or most of the children in it so would be interested in names'.

Picture added on 08 November 2004
Primary 7S 1979-80
Back row: Mrs Kirkness, Dave Kirkpatrick, Muldoo, Ian Scott, Peter Laird, David Wenzel, John Flett, Stephen Rorie, Neil Rorie.
Middle: Paul Bruce, Sigurd Towrie, Jaqueline Douglas, Edna Fotheringhame, Heather Campbell, ?, Kevin Linklater, Peter Strutt.
Front: Teresa Cooper, Debra Foubister, Karen Peddie, Maureen Norquoy, Maureen Innes, Susan Bruce, Louise Dennison, Marraine Sinclair.

Added by G.Bruce Moar on 08 November 2004
I was in primary 6e at papdale in 1974 and recognise a few faces in this photo. unfortunately they are a lot younger than me. I would estimate this photo was taken around 1979. the teacher is emily kirkness and next to her in the back row is david kirkpatrick.
Added by Jackie Kirkpatrick on 08 November 2004
The missing name from Bruce's list is Donna McCulloch.
Added by Sigurd Towrie on 09 November 2004
ha ha got a giggle when alison mainland popped a copy of this photo to me at work.
Its a fair blast from the past and has made me look at lots of photos on this orkney site and sure has made me smile a lot
Added by Susan Bruce on 24 November 2004
Was I not supposed to be in this photo ? Mind you my attendance record did leave a lot to be desired.
Added by Brian Milne on 09 April 2006
Great picture, I am Maureen Norquoy's daughter
Added by karina flett on 16 June 2006
Brian, try picture #1471.
Added by Bruce Moar on 17 January 2008
Thanks Bruce, "What Was My Mum Thinking"? I Am Wearing A Brown Suit.
Added by Brian Milne on 17 January 2008
I am sure the unknown girl is Donna McCulloch
Added by Edna on 24 July 2017
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