Orkney Image Library

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Paintings and Prints

1962 Viking mural Marion writes: '1962 viking mural - names - Alan Nixon, Thora Windwick, Linda Chalmers, Marion Wish...
A Reflective View... ... of the Standing Stones in the Parish of Stainhouse in Orkney. A Tom Kent picture of a print, ...
Birsay, Skipi Geo At the Brough of Birsay looking East. Watercolour painted in September 2001.
Churchill Barrier 1 Ian writes: 'Watercolour painted near to Churchill Barrier No.1 (I think) at the same time as 9/11 ...
Libertymen at Lyness Willie writes: 'I found this picture on the internet. It is called Libertymen at Lyness. It may con...
Laju Tom writes: 'I am attaching a photo of a painting of a full rigged clipper ship called LAJU which i...
Herston by Edgar M Gibson An oil painting By Edgar M Gibson. Estimate 20 to 30 years old . Much the same viewpoint as Craigs p...
Whiffling geese, Shapinsay This is a picture that I painted from sketches done very early in the morning whilst staying at Balf...
Royal Charter for Crow's Road I found this illustration over 20 years ago in an old box which was destined for the ashy cart. Don'...
North Isles Boats One for the connoisseur: The company logo on the funnel of the MV Orcadia. Yes, it is the right wa...
J Scott painting A painting on the reverse of a piece of hardboard. The artist's name lookes like 'J Scott'. Noticed ...

Latest Pics

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