Orkney Image Library

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Hatston Hatston before the council ruined it. Always thought that it would have been a great place for a new...
Orkney Musicians 1 Dougie Cooper pours a libation at his summer residence in South Ronaldsay. This caravan was a Mecca...
Fire Brigade This old piece of fire fighting apparatus lay at Hatston for years. It eventually fell to bits.
Orkney Musicians Hugh Inkster. Hugh was one of Orkney's finest fiddle players.
Egilsay School Centenary Pupils and former pupils at the Egilsay School Centenaray 1976.
Heddle quarry In February 1976 Orkney Builders took over Heddle quarry from Willie Smith who had spent many years ...
Hatston houses Hells Half Acre at the bottom, Post Office houses in the middle and town council houses at the top o...
Papdale Primary P1 or P2 concert Don’t know the year, but I think this was a primary 1 or 2 concert when we sang songs like “Home...
Car Parking Photo taken sometime in the 1970's. That, I think will be the Kirkwall Hotel, with all the chimney p...
Tug work Bailing out before the storm. The wind that followed was severe and put construction back by a consi...
MV. HOYHEAD A busy day loading goods for the south isles. This would either be Monday or Friday between the hour...

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