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A busy day loading goods for the south isles. This would either be Monday or Friday between the hours of 10.10 am and 1500 pm.

Picture added on 28 January 2008
No bother gettin a tractor to Graemsay in them days. I remember taking Bill Sinclair's Fordson Major to Flotta on her. That made the winch squeal. Had to be taken off at high tide.
Added by William Watters on 29 January 2008
When did Albert take over as skipper and from who?
Added by Michael Johnston on 28 February 2008
Albert took over when Jimmy Robson retired, don't know date.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 29 February 2008
Father retired in November 1965 - after this date he did relief work when Albert was on holiday.
Added by Arthur Robson on 01 March 2008
i am looking for information about the hoy head in 1947. Does anyone have any memories of that era?
Added by Monica Weller on 15 October 2008
Is it possible that the date of this photograph is wrong. Could be that the David Brown tractor was heading for Groats of Big Wards and Kirbister and the other tractor to Basil Groat at Origil. This would make the year 1969.
There is a bairn on the top deck. I wonder who that was.
There is a bairn on the top deck. I wonder who that was.
Added by Ann Sutherland on 19 October 2008
Did the Hoy Head only do the trip to the south isles on a Monday or Friday as far back as 1947?
Added by Monica Weller on 20 October 2008
Date could easily be wrong because it was only an estimate to fill in the mandatory box. Does anyone remember when the new wheelhouse was fitted?
Added by Allan besant on 21 October 2008
Any idea who took the photo?
Added by Monica Weller on 21 October 2008
As far as I can remember, the wheelhouse was altered at refit in 1968.
Added by Ann Sutherland on 21 October 2008
Did the Bu of Aith no hiv a Davie Broon like that? I am sure it was BBS
Added by Michael Johnston on 22 October 2008
Yes Michael, the Bu did have a Davie Broon, but if it was the same one as I remember, it came to the Island in the days of the old steam Hoy Head or Orcadia.(Ex. Playfair)
Added by Fred Johnston on 22 October 2008
How many david browns were on hoy at the time?
Anonymous comment added on 01 November 2008
Monica, when I was a boy (a long long time ago) most passengers going and coming from the south isles used the navy MFVs from Houton.I don't know how this was worked but there was a bus from Kirkwall to meet them and I suppose there must have been 1 from Stromness too.
Added by William Watters on 02 January 2009
Thanks William. You may be interested in an article I have written which mentions the Hoyhead and wis to be published spring 2009. Will give more details soon.
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Added by Monica Weller on 04 January 2009