Orkney Image Library

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KGS first year infants class 1948 Larry writes: 'Back Row [L to R] - Marion Kemp, Gracie Bain, Ann Parkens, Valerie Burgess, Elizabet...
Kirkwall Grammar School 1948 or 1949 Ken writes: 'The attached photo shows pupils in either top Primary Class (Mr. Potter) or First Ye...
Flett & Sons Lorry Bob Logie delivering manure to my Grandfathers in Tankerness just after the war. The date is not exa...
Stronsay Class Photo Best guess as to the date of this... My Mum's class photo. She's in the 3rd row, 2 along from the...
1948 Orkney Inter-county football team The photo is definitely from 1948. I think this might be the Orkney team from the game against Shetl...
What was the score? This may be of some interest to Mark Cabrelli.
Coaster SS. WISBECH. Bremner and Co's Coaster WISBECH, 1943 until 1953, broken up 1960. Year is a guess.
James N Watters Garson Longhope My Grandad giving his horse a treat.
Jack Petrie at Holm East School Back Row L to R: Alistair Muir,Jack Petrie,Stanley Harcus,John Robertson,Stuart Harcus, Bobby Marwic...
BEA Bus BEA's bus,a novelty double decker outside the BEA office in Broad Street 1948 Courtesy of Lena ...
Stronsay Central Scbool 1948 ? Can name the boys L to R as Stephen Dennison, Raymond Dennison,Bill Peace,George Drever, John Price ...
Stronsay School Not quite sure about the date Back row from the left John Fiddler, Evan Dalziel,Raymond Dennison...

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