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The Strynd
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The Strynd

One of Kirkwall's oldest closes, linking School Place with the south end of Albert Street. This is taken from the top (east) end at the corner of School Place and King Street. The overhanging trees are prime nesting spots for birds, so as you walk the Strynd, don't look up, and keep your mouth closed.

In fact, better run. Unless it's wet.
Picture added on 16 May 2005
Many a laugh was had at the top of the Strynd when we got out of the Grammar School. (Way back in the 60ies) Pity we can't see the wee shop at the left hand side of the picture. I think it was called The Rocky Shop. I can still remember the old couple serving hot mince rolls - me mooth is still watterin'. Who else remembers falling on the slippery flag stones on our way down to Liptons or The Big Tree? I remember finding £5 one day and going with it to the police station and over a year later I got it back as no one had claimed it. Helen Hourston was with me and thought I was mad handing it in to the police but it paid off! When I come home on holiday I always go down the Strynd. Happy memories - perhaps I'm still looking for the odd fiver!
Added by Barbara on 11 February 2007
Sorry Helen - I was not thinking about what I was saying! I should have said that you thought I was mad going all the way to the police station as we were using up our valuable break time or play time from school. Now that sounds better - does it not?!
Added by Barbara on 15 February 2007
I also remember the strynd in the sixties- we used to go to school dinners in the door to the left. It was great dinners as I remember. I also go there every year and I take loads of photos. Marion, thanks a lot for putting in the photo.
Added by Irene Eunson on 20 June 2008
Does anyone know of a house on the Strynd where the Bowes family stayed for the Summers in days of yore?
Added by Yvonne on 13 April 2011
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