The Orkney Image Library
No: 3065 Contributor: Beryl Simpson (nee Gillespie) Year: 1979
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"The County Men" at a meeting at the Council Offices. My dad David Gillespie is sixth from the left, fourth from the left was the Rousay foreman Mr Marwick but I can't name anyone else.
The date is an estimate.
Picture added on 29 May 2007
2nd left (seated) is Ian Tulloch who used to live above what is now Mackays or is it M&Co? I think he worked in the architects office.
Added by Paul Groundwater on 29 May 2007
Must have been all the foremen in from the isles at the meeting, Seventh from the left is Ronnie Logie (Kirkwall), 9th is ? Robertson, (Shapinsay)Is the 10th person Tom Paterson (Eday)
Added by G. Scollay on 29 May 2007
I think Number 10 is a Miller man from Stronsay and I think number 3 is the Westray foreman. Peter Harcus was the Eday foreman.
Added by William Watters on 31 May 2007
Number 10 is Tom Miller who was the road foreman on Stronsay.
Added by Patrick Shearer on 31 May 2007
Number 3 is John Bain
Anonymous comment added on 31 May 2007
Tom Paterson is not there but Peter Harcus is
Added by Alan Stewart on 03 June 2007
I think that the gentleman fourth from the left is Jimmy Marwick. I knew him quite well. He was the Rousay Roads Foreman for a number of years but tragically he died young.
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Added by Rognvald Spence on 13 December 2017
Tom Walker, Ian Tulloch, ??, R Marwick, Peter Harcus i think, Davie Gillespie, Ronnie Logie, Bob Grieve, Ronnie Robertson, ??