Orkney Image Library

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Beryl Simpson (nee Gillespie)

Longhope Lifeboat Crew Beryl writes: 'This is a photo of the Longhope Lifeboat at the regatta from the early 1960's whic...
North Walls School Names anyone?
South Walls Primary School 1952 Back row left to right Alan Isbister, James McKenzie, Iris Kirkpatrick, Evelyn Williamson, Freda Ki...
Walls Old Parish Church Walls Old Parish Church in Longhope
St John's Church. Melsetter St John's Kirk, Melsetter
Lyness Kirk Beryl writes: 'Church across the road from North Walls School. I do not remember it in use but may...
Jim Groat, Stanley Leask and Manson Grant Date estimated- any idea when?
Duke of Kent with Jackie Groat Beryl writes: "Jackie Groat and the Duke of Kent and I think it is Dr Trickett behind them at Osman...
Brims School Left to right:? ? ? ? Violet Gillespie, Mina Harrold, Andy Watters Middle:? Charlotte Watters ? ? ?...
Coronation Cup Winners Back row: left to right Jim Baillie, David Gillespie, Bobby Gillespie, George Tait, Jimmy Groat, Ia...
South Walls School now the Stroma Bank Hotel Head teacher Mr Alexander Seatter MA Junior Mistress Miss Kathleen Gibson Back Row Eben Kirkpatr...
St Colm's Quadrant, longhope Houses just before the residents moved in. A Phoenix Photograph from round about 1975/76

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