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One of your puctures Kevin? No idea of date here.
Picture added on 30 May 2007
Sorry, Barbara Inkster at the time.
Added by Barbara Johnston on 29 August 2007
wow, Scary to see all these photo's of my relatives on this site.
Myra Learmoth is my great aunt (my grandmothers sister, my grandmother being Jean Learmonth) and she is now called Myra Howard.
Myra Learmoth is my great aunt (my grandmothers sister, my grandmother being Jean Learmonth) and she is now called Myra Howard.
Added by Christa on 06 October 2008
Christa, all that foreign air has clouded your head, it's Myra Hazell!!!Howard is her man!! Hope you are looking after Mum and Granny and you are all well.
Added by Senga Taylor on 14 October 2008
Yeah i realised it after i said it, but couldnt work out how to change what i had said, I even told granny about the stupid mistake i had made hehe.
Mum and Granny are doing fine in Norway, although i think they are shocked at the language hehe.
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Mum and Granny are doing fine in Norway, although i think they are shocked at the language hehe.
Added by Christa Cuthbert on 16 October 2008
Marion Drever, Eileen Marwick
Inter county game, 1965 in Shetland. We won 32 - 9, I think; still not enough to clinch the Stewart Cup, unfortunately!