The Orkney Image Library
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Text stolen from picture #96, which I uploaded in 2004 mistakenly as an eight bit image. I always vowed to sort that out and add some more. Well, doing the window display showing 20 Years Of Orkneycommunities for the VAO window this week and the next two has reminded me!
Picture taken in 2001. The cinema had closed in November 1998 ( picture #499) and was demolished in November and December 2004.
'When the council were selling off the contents of the Phoenix I got an Invitation to Tender and used that as an excuse to get in and see the place one last time before it went forever. The big orange clock had gone, and the stage was in place as a legacy of the last event to happen there, but otherwise, the same evocative place.
First film I saw there was 'Elvis at the World's Fair' in a Saturday matinee, must have been about 1970.
Any Phoenix memories?'

Picture added on 16 October 2023 at 16:28