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DH Gorns last days
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DH Gorns last days

Everything has now gone, picture taken 19/6/18.

The shop is now Highland Park's presence in the heart of the town.
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Picture added on 14 November 2019 at 01:29
You must have swithered over the correct way to caption this rather sad photo, Steven. Three possible wordings spring to mind apart from the form you used:

1) DH Gorn's last days
2) DH Gorns' last days
3) DH Gorns's last days

Given that the caption is intended to mean 'the last days of DH Gorn' one feels there should be a possessive apostrophe in it somewhere. But it has long been a convention that the apostrophe is not used in company names - which would suggest form 1) above should be avoided. The remaining two options mean the same as each other, but 3) is a little clumsy. So I'd probably go for 2) - or do as you did and ignore the niggling detail altogether.

(I was considering submitting this anonymously, but you'd guess who it was anyway, so I'll come clean.)

[ :-) You rumbled my agonies Ian. In the end I decided since the sign didn't have an apostrophe I would take the lead from that and brazen it out - Steven]

Added by Ian Hourston on 15 November 2019
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