Orkney Image Library

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Wullie Meil and John Tulloch of Upperhouse Wullie Meil & John Tulloch of Upperhouse, New Orties, Burness, Sanday. 18/10/1920
Maes Howe Maes Howe Neolithic chambered cairn 6th January 2019
RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) Pillbox RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) Pillbox, built by Royal Marines. February 15th 2019
SS Collingdoc The concrete wheelhouse of blockship, SS Collingdoc, Fourth Barrier, 17th February 2019. It appears ...
Scapa Distillery after the lum was taken down Scapa Distillery two days after the lum was taken down to make way for a brand new one. Taken on 23r...
Power Station and Peedie Sea Power Station with Cathedral in the background, and peedie sea in the foreground. 23rd February 2019
D Block former Papdale Halls of Residence D Block Papdale Halls of Residence D Block. February 27th 2019
Mystery yacht Can anybody identify the yacht and the location? I have a notion but would like independent verific...
Walls of Kirkwall Castle? Kirkwall Castle Possible wall foundations of the Kirkwall Castle on Castle Street, while the road w...
Graemeshall Battery Graemeshall Battery and Director Tower in Holm April 11th 2019
Bertie Anderson’s garage Bertie Anderson’s garage, before demolition. St Mary’s, 11th April 2019.
St Nicholas, Holm St Nicholas, Holm - taken May 8, 2019

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