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Picture taken in KGS in January 2014 just before the school was handed over for demolition, demolition now in full effect I notice, with Home Economics among the first to be knocked down.
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Picture added on 01 March 2014 at 20:44
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KGS 1973 - 2013
I can only remember the old KGS. I must be getting old!! Open fires, big clocks ticking on the wall, messy chalk boards, rattley partitions, and bottles of milk at morning break. Happy memories!
Added by Neil Johnstone on 03 March 2014
Ah yes Neil the old, old KGS. Great memories indeed. Despite the lack of modern tech. gadgets and computers we were given a good education. We knew how to sit and listen - or else - and I don't think we were any the worse off for it. As for getting old - never admit to it. We are just ?years young. And as for school construction they could never build anything as lasting as our solid old school - too expensive and hardly any skilled stonemasons nowadays.
Added by David Partner on 04 March 2014
I went to Stromness and I have NO happy memories. Cold buses. Cold classes. Thank god the 'good old days' are just that, old.
Anonymous comment added on 05 March 2014
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