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As keenly watched by approximately 7000 pupils over the years.
Picture taken in KGS in January 2014 just before the school was handed over for demolition, demolition now in full effect I notice, with Home Economics among the first to be knocked down. Old KGS pictures to come today and tomorrow, then I'll stop boring you with them!
Picture added on 21 February 2014 at 12:28
This picture is in the following groups
KGS 1973 - 2013
KGS 1973 - 2013
Steven, Never mind that modern clock! What happened to all the spring wound clocks, from the KGS, School Place, now the OIC. Where did they all disappear too, some were given as presentations, there was a clock in each classroom, so must have been a few hundred off them at least?
Added by Stewart Walls on 01 March 2014