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This is one I captured and it was definately not yesterday, possibly sometime between 1954 and the 1970's.
This will put to bed the question "Where was the British Linen Bank?" at this time. It seems by the questions in Edwin's picture #2668, that there is doubt as to the location of certain banks in Kirkwall at certain times.
First of all, the Aberdeen Savings Bank in Bridge Street was the first bank I can remember there, before that I remember it as Turfus's Shoe Shop,(before it went to Albert Street.)
Secondly, wasn't the Royal Bank Of Scotland in Castle Street at one time?, in what is now Radio Orkney building.
Third, I'm sure that the Hydro Building used to be The National Commercial Bank Building and that wasn't yesterday either.
I could be wrong....but not on all three counts.
Picture added on 29 March 2007
It seems strange to think that so recently people were still paid in towels (presumably with hankies for change). You were a big spender if you could afford to get three sheets to the wind in those days.
Added by Steven Heddle on 29 March 2007
Take a look at my picture #405 which was definitely taken in summer of 1960. The British Linen Bank is shown just beyond the big tree.
Added by Tom Scott on 29 March 2007
I have an unused cheque book from the National Commercial Bank of Scotland Ltd., 8 Albert Street, Kirkwall. Wonder if it is any value? Must be from the 1950s. The other banks in 1939 Peace's Almanac are, Bank of Scotland Albert Street, Royal Bank of Scotland, Broad Street. National Bank of Scotland Ltd., Victoria STreet. Union Bank of Scotland, Albert Street. North of Scotland Bank, Broad Street. Aberdeen Savings Bank Castle Street.
Added by Ian Cameron on 29 March 2007
Started work in the British Linen in July 1969. Alan Munro was the Manager and his wife used to make our tea for us every morning. There was only five of us, Mr Munro, George Wares, Alan Peace, Gladys Walker and myself.
Added by Janis Larkin (nee Livingston) on 25 May 2009
Hi Janis, I remember you well. Wilson Learmonth and I joined the Bank of Scotland (across the road) on the same day in 1968. Do you remember the cheque and note clearances each morning in the Masonic Hall. No computers at that time - all ledgers and passbooks were written up by hand. I remember the preparations for the amalgamation of the British Linen with the Bank of Scotland, not long before I left. These were the days before banks became 'money supermarkets' and bankers became 'salesmen'and customers were identified by name - not numbers.
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Added by Rob Thomson on 28 May 2009