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Not a picture you`d manage to capture very often.
picture taken on the 12th august 2012
Picture added on 05 September 2012 at 00:14
The cruise-ship is MSC Prince.
Anonymous comment added on 05 September 2012
Added by Alastair on 05 September 2012
Alastair 1 Anonymous 0
Added by Ian Hourston on 06 September 2012
Perhaps - MSC LIRICA with an I rather than a Y
Added by Allan Besant on 06 September 2012
All MSC liners are named after musical things. I'm sorry but I would not reccommend them to anybody unless you like pasta, pizza and cuithes. Yes cuithes, although they were wearing their posh name, saith.You can't get a good cup of tea and all the announcements are in 5 languages. (and the gin was VERY expensive)
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Added by W Watters on 11 September 2012