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The gentleman with the pipe will be well known to Walls people, the late Jock Gray of Moaness, but who are the musicians ? THe lady in the B&W photo is Jock's mother taken at Taftingus, St. Margaret's Hope. I cannot hazard a guess at when these photos were taken but someone may know.
Picture added on 09 May 2012 at 17:38
Is that Brian Johnston on the box?
Added by Jessie Mowat on 09 May 2012
Is that Brian Johnston of the Muirs on the box?
Added by Jessie Mowat on 10 May 2012
The box player looks like Brian Johnston from Lyness. Not sure of the other chap!
Added by Lee Thomson on 10 May 2012
Mac Bain from Stromness on the right.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 10 May 2012
Mac Bain ? Mac also played the box
Anonymous comment added on 10 May 2012
Would agree looks like a young Brian, is the other fella Ally Clouston, its a name that came in my mind as soon as I saw him, but probably wrong again...nice to see a pic o' Jock Gray too, our neighbour when we were young.
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 11 May 2012
I do feel that MI5 wid hiv benefitted fae me as an investigating officer Herbert!!
Firstly the photo was taen in Fairview in Saltness on the occasion o the wedding o Jack and Grace Spence around 1975?.
The people in the photo are owld Jock Gray- Brian Johnston playing Mack Bains accordion wae Mack on the right o the photo, the lugs o a brides cog are jist visable at the bottom o the picture and knowing Jock Spences ale makan ability yae widna need a long draught oot o her tae lae yae oot flat!!
Was Jock Gray's mother a Norquoy or was it a Gray woman who was married tae Jock Norquoy o "Quoyness" in Flotta?.
Answers please by return !!
Firstly the photo was taen in Fairview in Saltness on the occasion o the wedding o Jack and Grace Spence around 1975?.
The people in the photo are owld Jock Gray- Brian Johnston playing Mack Bains accordion wae Mack on the right o the photo, the lugs o a brides cog are jist visable at the bottom o the picture and knowing Jock Spences ale makan ability yae widna need a long draught oot o her tae lae yae oot flat!!
Was Jock Gray's mother a Norquoy or was it a Gray woman who was married tae Jock Norquoy o "Quoyness" in Flotta?.
Answers please by return !!
Added by John Budge on 11 May 2012
It is Brian on the box. The other fella might be Mac Bain who was a crew member on the MV Watchful
Added by Ann Sutherland on 11 May 2012
My memory is playing up, where was Fairview in Saltness John? After he got married Jock Spence lived in the Hope and said to me when I moved to Burray that where he lived in the Hope was okay except for the view from his window of the Gospel Hall. I still have some of his brides cog in a whiskey bottle but I'll no be tasting it. He would have needed to buy a new set o' false teeth as well back in the late 1960's after the youth club guys had a football game with them around the floor of the YM. Not saying you were among them John for I can't remember but I did know the owner of the teeth who was at the dance the night before :-) We could both have been investigating office John but I think we have a job ahead when we retire for I've been told that the pair of us should right a short book, need a few more on that project I think!
Added by Beryl Simpson on 14 May 2012
I think it was a sister of Jock Gray that married a Norquoy.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 17 May 2012
Oh Beryl puull yersell tegither!!
"Fairview" is whare Sam Dick lived. and later Brian
And Mervyn lived in hid hiv yea no sense
"Fairview" is whare Sam Dick lived. and later Brian
And Mervyn lived in hid hiv yea no sense
Added by John Budge on 19 May 2012
There's Foreman's cottage, then Harry Berry's, then Fairview, Billy Learmonth lives there now.
Added by Keith Dempsey on 19 May 2012
I don't like to admit it John but I had a senior moment there! I mind Kenneth Johnston and his great-granny in that house as well. Well I hope I'm right about that :-/
Added by Beryl Gillespie on 20 May 2012
There are indeed some strange customs in the South Isles but I had not heard of playing football with false teeth, unless wearing them! Yes, Stwart is correct with his statement that Lizzie Ann Gray, Jock's sister, was married to Jock Norquay o' Quoyness as he was affectionately known. Thanks to all for the information.
Added by Herbert Mackenzie on 21 May 2012
Yes Beryl Kenneth,s Granny was Mrs Dickson who,s husband was Samual Dickson and he along with his brother (whose name I have forgotten) were two very fine stone masons and much o the great works around Melsetter House and the estate was done by them.
I am sure you mind on the baptismal font in the Kirk here in Waas, well that wiz the work o Sam Dickson (Never held water due to being made o porous sand stone) neverte less an example o the work of fine local craftsmanship.
Another stone mason was Samual Walls I think a native o Sanday? he also did a lot of the building works still tae be seen around here.
Oh I could go on and on and on!! bit aam sure yir bored by noo!!.
I am sure you mind on the baptismal font in the Kirk here in Waas, well that wiz the work o Sam Dickson (Never held water due to being made o porous sand stone) neverte less an example o the work of fine local craftsmanship.
Another stone mason was Samual Walls I think a native o Sanday? he also did a lot of the building works still tae be seen around here.
Oh I could go on and on and on!! bit aam sure yir bored by noo!!.
Added by John Budge on 22 May 2012
Never bored with stories of the times and folk that we have known fae "home" John but a peedie correction Mrs Dickson was Kenneth's great granny, your turn for a senior moment this time Dolly Johnston was his granny :-) I remember the Rev Ewen Traill using water from the river Jordan for Christenings but I thought it was in a bowl inside the font so that he could pour back the precious water into a bottle for the next time so I learned something new the day. I was told that my uncle Bobby Gillespie also took water home when he was in the war from the River Jordan to use in Walls Old.
Added by Beryl Gillespie on 23 May 2012
Great tae hear about young Bob taking home water from the Jordon Beryl. I didna think Bob would have thought about a thing like that.
Bob was a true "freend" tae our family he had a tough time in the war as a paramedic.
Bob was a true "freend" tae our family he had a tough time in the war as a paramedic.
Added by John Budge on 29 May 2012
Yes he was a good friend o' your folks John and when Kathleen and Bobby came on holiday from Rousay your house, Soldier Bob's and Jock and Madgie's was their first places to visit. The men all being soldiers in WW11.
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Added by Beryl Simpson on 27 September 2013