The Orkney Image Library
No: 25998 Contributor: Beryl Simpson (nee Gillespie) Year: 1956
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Christmas Eve 1956. Waiting on Santa's present with my brother Mervyn. What happy memories.
The Legion always held really good parties for the members bairns. Still have the party frock. :-)
Jock Smith the school bus driver took the photo, it was a big fancy camera with a large flash on top. Very few folk on the island had a camera back then with a flash so that's why most photos were always from outside in the daylight.

Picture added on 04 January 2012 at 11:30
This is what it's all about. Little moments in time - a split second of two peoples lives. Magic! This is one of the finest things about Orkney Image library. Sometimes the quality of the image does not matter. Lorca said to capture it because it must not escape. Happy new year to all.
Added by Sandy Windwick on 04 January 2012