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George Foulis
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George Foulis

This is a picture of George Foulis, my grandfather. His body was the only one found after the sinking of the S.S. Express on 9th February, 1918.

Pam Lyon
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Picture added on 09 August 2011 at 11:18
Pam - I am really interested in this photo. Do you have any info on your family tree? My father was born in 1900 and it is possible that this guy was a relative.
Added by John A Foulis on 09 August 2011
George Foulis was born 8/9/1879 in Papa Westray, His parents were John James Logan Foulis, born 13/2/1848, died 21/5/1913 and Mary Gray, born 28/3/1842, died 3/5/1899. I have lots more information on this part of my family but would need your father's name to see if there is a connection.

Added by Pam Lyon on 12 August 2011
Hi Pam im very interested in this photo as my dad is John Foulis and George was his grandad which makes him my great grandad .We didnt have any photos of him so this was great to see. I would love to no more about him and if you have any other photos.Also id love to no about you as we must be related.Look forward to hear from you.

Added by Paula Wood (Foulis) on 13 August 2011
Pam IO'm very interested in this photo as its my great grandad would love to talk to you to find out more.Paula Wood (Foulis)
Added by Paula Wood (Foulis) on 15 August 2011
Pam - my father's details are as follows Alexander Arbuthnot Foulis born 5th March 1900 to James Foulis & Ann Foulis (Gray) who were married in Papa Westray 19th Sept 1883
Added by John A Foulis on 17 August 2011
John - I'm sorry that I cannot find a connection to Alexander Arbuthnot Foulis but,of course, that doesn't mean that there isn't one. I have been in touch with Paula as we are connected.
Added by Pam Lyon on 18 August 2011
Pam I am Phyllis Foulis, I am your first cousin. My father and your mother were brother and sister and he was my grandfather. We were brought up by our granny Foulis, Mary Ann Jones
Added by Mrs Phyllis Armstrong on 22 August 2011
Hello Pam, I was also interested in the photo. He was my grandfather. I am also your first cousin - my father was George Foulis, he died at the age of 44 and we were brought up by grannie Foulis at 18 Thoms Street, when you lived at Carters Park and that photo hung in grannies bedroom front room. 23 August 2011
Added by Mrs Phyllis Armstrong on 23 August 2011
What a great photograph! I can see a strong likeness to my Foulis ancestors - same dark hair etc. A likeness to my brother and grandfather!

I think I can claim relationship, although somewhat distant. We have Oliver Foulis and Anne Reid in common. You and George are on Christina S.(1809) and Armit Foulis' line and I am on John Foulis' line (1814).

Hope to hear from any other relations
Janette Thomson (Foulis)
Added by Janette Thomson (Foulis) on 18 January 2012
That is my grandfather. I have never heard my grannie talk about Oliver Foulis or Anne Reid. My grannie had 2 daughters and 4 sons but there were other Foulis in Westray and Papa Westray that could be distant relatives
Added by Phyllis Armstrong on 19 January 2012
I think George was my grandfather.My dad was William Foulis, born 13/9/1913., in Kirkwall. Would love to know more about his side of the family. Please reply. Eagerly waiting your response
Added by Wilf Foulis 22 april 2012 on 23 April 2012
I am wondering if you are my uncle Pontys' son? You and I will be first cousins. I stay in Selkirk the Scottish Borders.

[This isn't the best post to be anonymous! - Steven]
Anonymous comment added on 24 April 2012
Yes Wilf, that is your grandfather.
Yes Phyllis, Wilf is uncle Ponty's son.

Added by Pam Lyon on 02 May 2012
I'd love to find out how my dad got that nickname "Ponty", and who made the anonymous comment. Please drop a line and get in touch.
Added by Wilf Foulis on 09 May 2012
George's wife Mary Ann Jones was the daughter of Samuel Jones and Mary Burgher, of Westray.
Added by Jeff Burgher on 30 December 2016
Anyone have any info on Oliver Foulis and Ann Reid's family? I'm descended from their daughter, Stewart Burghar (Foulis). I have researched Oliver and Ann's lines back to around 1712.
Added by Gloria Popovic on 04 January 2017
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