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This was taken at Russness in Wyre Year 1968 left to right Caroline Delday,William Delday my father, Charlie Craigie grandad holdan me Rodney Delday, Sam Craigie mind the day fine, hid was a bonny harvest day. Great times never forgotten.
Picture added on 15 June 2011 at 11:28
I think this is Fred Craigie from Russness not Sam Craigie
Added by The Delday Wife on 17 June 2011
Correction to the photo it is Fred Craigie not Sam Craigie my mistake sorry
Added by Rodney Delday on 17 June 2011
Thankyou Sylvia Delday [MOTHER] for keeping me right i know its been a hard job. You dont get many strey stacks in Cromwell Road noo adays. Didnt know you had a computer think that was you taking the photo.
Added by Rodney Delday on 22 June 2011
Hi Rodney,
Was your father`s full name John William DELDAY who served in 226 HAA Battery in WWII? Doing research on the latter and wondered if it was just a coincidence or if I`ve got the DELDAY families mixed up.
Was your father`s full name John William DELDAY who served in 226 HAA Battery in WWII? Doing research on the latter and wondered if it was just a coincidence or if I`ve got the DELDAY families mixed up.
Added by John Heard on 01 December 2018