The Orkney Image Library
No: 24443 Contributor: Richard Evans Year: 1933
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Longhope Lifeboat Orkney 1933
Courtesy Janice Pires (daughter of the late James and Barbara Tennant)

Picture added on 22 November 2010 at 17:07
Damn it maybe thats in the Hupp at the pier in the village. O min, min, aam in a quandry no please help!!.
Added by John Budge on 24 November 2010
Don't think it's Huna John,the inspectors widnae be happy wae all at deckies aboord the day
Added by Billy Farquhar on 07 December 2010
The slip certainly looks like Huna, but the land in the background does not look like Stroma. My mother told me that the lifeboat used to visit Stroma on occasion and got a great welcome. I was going to say St Margarets Hope, with Burray in the background, but the slip is the puzzle.
Anonymous comment added on 09 December 2010
Does that no look like Stroma in the background??.
Looks like a lot o survivers fae Brims on a ooting tae Scotland!!.