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Sinclair Cottage Herston Sept 83
Comment from James Tennant- "I yearn to own it (Roots)"
Courtesy Janice Pires (daughter of the late James and Barbara Tennant)
Picture added on 22 November 2010 at 17:08
Sorry I meant Richard not James.
Anonymous comment added on 17 January 2011
According to Wilma Paulley (nee Sinclair):
"The Sinclair house in Herston was my Great, Great Grandparents house. My Father was brought us at the Rough cottage, my Grandfather being the pier master. My Grandfather was also a diver and he had a lot to do with the German ships being brought up after the 1st WW. My Father, John Sinclair, was also a diver and he sunk the defence nets following the sinking of the Royal Oak".
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"The Sinclair house in Herston was my Great, Great Grandparents house. My Father was brought us at the Rough cottage, my Grandfather being the pier master. My Grandfather was also a diver and he had a lot to do with the German ships being brought up after the 1st WW. My Father, John Sinclair, was also a diver and he sunk the defence nets following the sinking of the Royal Oak".
Added by Richard Evans on 28 January 2011
Being a Sinclair myself and having had Sinclair ancestors living in Herston, I got very interested in your photograph. Can you give me any history of this building. Though I am not expecting it to have any relationship to my Sinclair line, nothing ever seems to have.