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St Magnus Cathedral
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St Magnus Cathedral

Reflected glory of St Magnus Cathedral. 31st July 2010.
Picture added on 09 October 2010 at 14:56
We do tend to take the Cathedral, the Grand Ol' Dame o' Kirkwall, for granted. Now and again, as one scurries past, doing one's daily regime, I do stop, sometimes, and marvel at it's overwhelming majesty. It is a sandstone miracle. And I wonder, too, who built it. All these hard working men and women, over countless years. And who designed it? It is a very fine building, a remarkable and beautiful structure, a fine tribute to Earl Magnus.
Added by Michael Reid on 10 October 2010
I agree entirely with you Michael, but did this wonderful building meet planning approval?
Added by The Planning Approver on 11 October 2010
A nice view point with no ugly Power Station in it.
That building and its stacks just spoils the view of Kirkwall as you come down Hatston Brae. We do take the Cathedral a bit for granted - until it is in the news.
Added by Sandy on 12 October 2010
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