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Group at party in Quoydandy barn, year ?
Does anyone know the year of the party? [Date guessed]
Back row L to R James Watson, Robert Eunson, Alistair Learmonth, George Mack, John Corse, Colin Tait, Jack Omand.
2nd Back row L to R David Oddie, Jimmy Dinwoodie, Robin Watson, Hamish McGhee, Duncan Webster, Tom King, John Muir.
2nd Front row L to R Vita Hampton, Janice McKerron, Olna Robertson, Betty Hutchison, Kaykay Scarth, Joan Sandison, Gwen Mears, Keith Johnson.
Front row L to R Mary Oddie, Joan Ryan, Christine Cursiter, Edna Ritch, Ann Harvey, Linda Chalmers, Elizabeth Tait, Ingrid Tait, Vida Stead, Kenny Ritch.

Picture added on 22 September 2010 at 10:59
This must have been around 1960
Added by Lynda Pickering (Chalmers) on 27 September 2010
Definately not 1968 maybe 1962
Added by Kay Kay Meadows ( Scarth ) on 28 September 2010
Was this the beginning for a future Mr. and Mrs.?
Added by Barbara Johnston on 30 September 2010
Hi KayKay - you could be right, I know it was before 1963, but I thought earlier than 1962.
Added by Lynda Pickering (Chalmers) on 30 September 2010
In my first year at Edinburgh University I shared "digs" with Colin Tait, Jimmy Dinwoodie, and Robin Watson. They were a couple of years older than me. Vida Stead was in my class at KGS. She looks really cute in this photo. What has become of these people?
Added by Gillies Buchan on 25 January 2011
Vida is my sister, married and living in Kirkwall. She has two children and two grandchildren. She's still really cute!
Added by Lynda Pickering on 26 January 2011
Gillies – I remember your parents, Doreen and Andy. I used to walk their dog Steig. He got his tail broken when your front door shut on it in the wind! You came a few times to the house around the Christmas. I don’t think you’ll remember me (I’m younger!) but you will perhaps remember my sister Carol Ann Jolly. She is still cute too! Do you have news of Elsie Wood? I don't know her married name. I believe her parents house was pulled down. (Tornaveen) It was the one just next to your one at the other side of the small quarry.
Super to hear news of you. This site is great.
Super to hear news of you. This site is great.
Added by Barbara (Jolly) Watt on 03 February 2011
It definitely must have been 1960 or before because my parents moved for my dad to take a posting to Heathrow Airport, with myself, my sister, Fiona, and brother William in 1961.
Added by Joan Ryan on 14 February 2011
Joan-I remember you leaving when your dad went to Heathrow. I seem to recall making a bear costume for a fancy dress at your house in Berstane Road...was it for Guides(?)....such a long time ago!
Added by Fiona (Bichan) Bain on 17 February 2011
Hi Barbara ... to be honest, I don't remember you or your sister. I have no idea what happened to Elsie Wood. She was cute too. Is Comyn Vale my parents' house still there? Probabbly not. When my parents left Orkney I think the house was bought by Mosh Marwick, a drummer. This site is quite tear-jerkingly sentimental. I spoke to a childhood friend Ian McDonald (still in Kirkwall) this week. We did dangerous stuff like hiking over Wideford hill and living in tents. The internet is amazing.
Added by Gillies Buchan on 17 February 2011
Gillies – I don’t blame you not remembering the « Jolly » girls. I’ve been living in France for 36 years and can’t put faces to names any more either. Dad was the Norwegian consul at the time when you lived in Orkney. Our house was at the opposite side to Elsie’s but up a small road near the bad corner and it had a flagpole.
Comyn Vale is still there. I remember Mosh living in it but it is now Pat Tulloch who has it. The dovecot is still there too. Elsie and I loved playing in it. There are lots of trees now at the entrance but the garden is still much the same. I’ll see if I have a photo but if not I’ll take one when I go “home” in June. Nothing has been built to spoil the fantastic view over the bay. Our view has been spoilt by trees and bushes but unfortunately there is no law against this!!
Ian McDonald is in picture #2240 on this super site.
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Comyn Vale is still there. I remember Mosh living in it but it is now Pat Tulloch who has it. The dovecot is still there too. Elsie and I loved playing in it. There are lots of trees now at the entrance but the garden is still much the same. I’ll see if I have a photo but if not I’ll take one when I go “home” in June. Nothing has been built to spoil the fantastic view over the bay. Our view has been spoilt by trees and bushes but unfortunately there is no law against this!!
Ian McDonald is in picture #2240 on this super site.
Added by Barbara (Jolly) Watt on 19 February 2011