The Orkney Image Library
No: 23730 Contributor: Fred Johnston Year: 1929
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Jan. 1929. Grimsby Trawler " Carmania " ashore on the Kirk Rocks,Hoy Sound. The crew were rescued by the Stromness Lifeboat.

Picture added on 26 April 2010 at 20:57
That's an awfully small photo Fred. Zooming in on the page, I think I can make out the caption: The StROmnESS LifE-BOAt to the RESCUE WRECK Of thE CARMANIA II On thE KIRKYARD ROCKS NEAR StROmESS. This arbitrary use of upper and lower case suggests the photographer was the same one as took picture #23651. Do you know who he was?
Added by Ian Hourston on 26 April 2010