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Come on then, name the stars of yesteryear in this classic team from Kirkwall International Airport!! I apologise for the quality of the photo. [Date estimated]

Picture added on 31 January 2010 at 20:34
If he was working at the airport at that time,it could be Neil Groat in front of Arthur Pottinger.
Anonymous comment added on 01 February 2010
next to Brian Kemp is Michael Firth and who I guess is his son Kevin
Added by Johnny on 01 February 2010
I think it could be Ian Cruickshank who worked for Servisair next to Arthur Pottinger
Added by Robert Milne on 02 February 2010
next to Brian Kemp is Michael Firth, holding his son Kevin year 1986 ?
Added by M Firth on 06 January 2012
What is the occasion?
Is it the Trades Cup?
Is it the Trades Cup?
Added by Bruce Moar on 09 January 2012
It was the Trades Cup, but I don't think we got very far
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Added by Robert Milne on 11 January 2012
Front row: ?, Kerry Donaldson, Robbie Grieve, ?, Brian Kemp