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Adults are my great-grandparents John Heddle and Robina Heddle (nee Wylie).
Neglecting the boy wearing the hat as he is "Not a Heddle, must have been a visitor from 'The Sooth' or Kirkwall" according to my granny's notes, the rest of the youngsters are their children, although two of the girls are missing from the picture.
From the left, they are Bob (born 1903) and Billy (born 1900), both of whom went to Canada, George (1908-1974), Mackie (1898-1951) (christened John Malcolm Heddle, my grandad), and Ruby (1895-1975). The missing sisters are Kate (1890-1971) and Barry (1893-1979).

Picture added on 31 December 2006
My Father, William Allan, who was born on Stroma, was the son of Isabella Heddle from Orkney and George Allan. He talked about Bill and Robert Heddle and I understood they had been in the Kootenay district of British Columbia in Canada.
Added by Isabella Moreland on 21 March 2007
My grandmother is one of the sisters missing in that picture, Mary Barry Learmonth (Heddle) Your grannies notes were quite correct, the boy in the hat was a visitor fae the sooth. I am named after your grandad, Malcolm, but I have always been called Bruce. I have this picture and also one of your grandad in kilt.
Added by (Malcolm) Bruce Learmonth on 31 January 2010
Both Bill and Robert Heddle were my uncles and yes they were in British Columbia for a time before coming to Saskatchewan. Uncle Bob settled in Manitoba, Canada and Bill lived with my grandparents until he left in the 1940's for Calgary Alberta where he died in the 1960's.
Added by M. Bruce Learmonth on 31 January 2010
Are you related to the Heddles at Willow Point, B.C.
My g'mother was a Heddle from Stromness
My g'mother was a Heddle from Stromness
Added by Isabella F Moreland on 31 January 2010
Hi Isabella, I am not sure speaking for myself. One aunt, Ruby Gunn (Heddle) lived in Stromness in the 1970's and I know she had a daughter Brenda who lived in B.C. but I have lost touch with her.
Added by M. Bruce Learmonth on 01 February 2010
I am sorry, I should have been more specific when writing comments. Bill and Bob Heddle were my great uncles, my grandmother's brothers. The adults in the above picture are my great grandparents.
Added by M. Bruce Learmonth on 01 February 2010
Bruce, I saw Ruby Gunn's gravestone in the Finstown kirkyard today, and I am sure that Brenda was on it as well, having died in BC.
Added by Steven Heddle on 08 September 2013
We have John Heddle who married Joanna I Thomson in the family. Their dtr Charlotte married a Rich? and moved to Saskatchewan, any relation??
[Cousin Bruce will know better than me, I am sure - Steven Heddle]
[Cousin Bruce will know better than me, I am sure - Steven Heddle]
Added by Joanna Lynch on 21 August 2014
Hi Joanna,
Probably some indirect relation to us but not directly.
Probably some indirect relation to us but not directly.
Added by Bruce Learmonth on 11 September 2014
Is anyone related to Magnus Heddle ? Magnus Heddle was born on 10 August 1765 in Orkney,He was married three times and had six sons and four daughters. He died on 1 March 1861 in Kirkwall and St Ola, Orkney, at the impressive age of 95.
Wives : Janet Anderson , Barbara Oman, Barbara Sinclair.
Children :
Marion Heddle (my 3rd great grandmother)
Katharine "Catherine" Heddle
Jannet Heddle
Thomas Balfour Heddle
Frances Mary Heddle
James Heddle
William Sinclair Heddle, Rev.
Peter Sinclair Heddle, Sr.
John Miller Heddle
Also on the other side of my family , My dad and granddad , were called George Allan
Wives : Janet Anderson , Barbara Oman, Barbara Sinclair.
Children :
Marion Heddle (my 3rd great grandmother)
Katharine "Catherine" Heddle
Jannet Heddle
Thomas Balfour Heddle
Frances Mary Heddle
James Heddle
William Sinclair Heddle, Rev.
Peter Sinclair Heddle, Sr.
John Miller Heddle
Also on the other side of my family , My dad and granddad , were called George Allan
Added by Jordan on 26 March 2017
To Jordan,
Interested to hear that Magnus Heddle had 3 wives.
Barbara Sinclair was my 2nd gt.great aunt.
Keen to learn more of this Heddle family.
Interested to hear that Magnus Heddle had 3 wives.
Barbara Sinclair was my 2nd gt.great aunt.
Keen to learn more of this Heddle family.
Added by Pam Botha on 03 August 2017
Barbara Sinclair, wife of Magnus Heddle, was the sister of my x3 great grandfather Thomas Sinclair and therefore my x4 great aunt. Magnus and Barbara's son, Peter S Heddle was one of the founders of the law firm, Drever and Heddle.
Added by Jane Harris on 06 August 2017
Jordan, if you look at picture #544 and picture #4492 you will see Peter Sinclair Heddle's son William John Heddle, who, like his father, was a solicitor and Town Clerk of Kirkwall. Do you have a picture of P. S. Heddle?
Added by Paul Sutherland on 10 August 2017
No, but I have a picture of a board with his name on it, at picture #1406
Added by Steven Heddle on 22 August 2017
I'd love to see more pictures if anyone has any of this family, Mackie, John Malcolm Heddle in above picture is my great grandad, and my grandad was the spitting image of him.
[Indeed! Your grandad Mike was my dad's brother. Best wishes to the family! - Steven]
[Indeed! Your grandad Mike was my dad's brother. Best wishes to the family! - Steven]
Added by Iona Falconer on 21 November 2019
I am looking for the ancestors of John Heddle (Apt 1769) and Catherine (Crawford) Heddle Abt 1764. They had four children John (1806 - ?) William 1789 - ? Merrion 1791 - 1871 and Katherine 1792 - ? and their brother John (about 1806) who is my ancestor, who raised his family in Shapinsay.
Added by Susan (Heddle) Durant on 14 February 2021
Through dna I just discovered I am a relation to Magnus Heddle through his son Thomas, his son Andrew, and Andrews daughter Bessie. I would love to see photos if anyone has any? Thanks!!
Added by Lisa on 30 November 2022
Looking for Catherine Heddle m William Shearer
Added by Cheryl Mcdonell on 02 February 2023
I have just discovered that my great grand mother x4 was Janet (Anderson) Heddle born 1790 or thereabouts, and was married to Peter Heddle, born 1789(?). The had a son, John Heddle born 22/12/1813 who married Margaret (Irvine) Heddle who was born 20/8/1814. I see a lot of cross over with names on here so I am wondering if someone may have any further info? It looks as if they may have lived on Shapinsay. Many thanks for your time
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Added by Michelle Bailey on 10 June 2024