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Kirkwall from the Ayre Road.
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Kirkwall from the Ayre Road.

I came across this old postcard recently. It is undated so the date is a pure guess. Maybe some local contributors can put a date to it and any interesting features and changes.

[Great picture! Old cathedral spire, gasworks there, not sure about the old power station at the back of the Town Hall, no Great Western Road, and prcious little this side of the Back Road. Tower showroom there though. - Steven]
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Picture added on 17 May 2009
Peedie Sea must have been a lot more tidal then. Water is very low compared to nowadays.
Added by Alastair on 18 May 2009
Yes, this is a very interesting picture. Top left hand is no.1-4 Ayre Houses, no.4 being on the end where the Brough family lived for more than 50 years. There used to be swiveling ring bolts in the wall at the back of the houses to tie the Flatties to. Flat bottomed dinghies! Although eventually it was filled in and a road was built from Ayre Road along the back of the houses and up Burnmouth Road at the end of no.4. The ring bolts for the flatties where fixed near the big windows on the back and the gable end so they could push up the bottom sash and climb in the house. The Peedie Sea was for some reason, full of eels and flounders, and they used to fish them at night.
Added by Phil Brough on 18 May 2009
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