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Football team, 1931
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Football team, 1931

Kevin writes:
'An old football pic. My grandfather, Davie Wooldrage is in the back row, left hand side. I don't know any other details.'

Date is an estimate- any idea what team this is?
Picture added on 21 June 2004
Here are the names of your team Kevin
Rear Row..Wooldrage-Thomson-Johnstone
Middle Row..Gourlay-Sinclair-Smith
Front Row..Sinclair-Lobban-Groundwater-Groundwater-Schollay
(All reading left to right by the way)
On a personal note if you like to ask Alan Lobban about this picture he may be able to say which team it is. My guess is Kirkwall Rovers

Added by Peter Burges on 21 June 2004
I think it must be a peedie bit later than 1931. I remember dear "old" (well, he was always older than me) Wattie Lobban passed away late in 1982, just as he reached retirement age. A fine man, and a great butcher.
Added by Buttquoy butcher on 25 June 2004
This photo was probably taken in 1947. The players in the photo were taken from the selection committees from various clubs. We must assume that they played a game or twoafter taking the bother to acquire a strip. The boots even look polished.
Anonymous comment added on 24 January 2007
The comment that the players were from the selection committees of various clubs makes sense. My father - middle left - was on the Thorfinn committee from the mid/late 1940s to the mid 1950s - to my knowledge he was never a Rovers fan!
Added by Josh Gourlay on 30 September 2008
Looks like David Johnstone (plumber) in back row right. He stayed along from me when I stayed in the Quadrant as a boy during the war (1939/1945)His family was Margaret Violet Elsie, Robert and David.I remember they had a Shetland pony called Dola who was very inclined to nip you if you got too close. Elsie was about my age.
Added by Jack Harcus on 03 October 2008
His name was Robert (Bob) Johnstone not David as I wrongly called him in my earlier comment. Davie Wooldrage stayed on the opposite side of the Quadrant at the same time. Schollay was a dental technician with Davie Dunnet the dentist.
Added by Jack Harcus on 03 October 2008
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