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The Watergate
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The Watergate

Peter writes:
'This photo....photographer unknown....was obtained from a magazine published a long time ago, and part of the family collection.
It shows a horse being watered at the Gate....precisely how the place got it's name.'
Picture added on 18 June 2004
I always wondered about that, makes sense now. when was the gate removed?
Added by Alison on 23 December 2008
Thanks Peter for the origin of the name Watergate. The archway was constructed in the 16th Century to join the Moosie toor put up by Bishop Reid with a large square garrison tower on the other side of the Palace yards which is where the horse is being watered. For Alison's info the Watergate was removed in the 1880's and placed in the wall of the palace where it can be seen today.
Added by David Partner on 16 April 2015
Usually, in Orkney, where "gate", pronounced "gett", appears, it means street. Kirkgate in Papey for example, is the road to the old kirk. Weyland Gait, is the name of the road in Kirkwall. I assumed that the Watergate was the same - the road which had water troughs.
Added by Stewart Miller on 27 April 2015
I know perfectly well how "gate" is pronounced in Orkney and what it usually means. The Kirkgate in Leith for example is a street which led to the church there. The Watergate was originally called Palace Road after all the streets in existence in Kirkwall at the time in 1841 were given names while Palace Street was what we now call Palace Road.
Added by David Partner on 06 May 2015
Some folk reading these comments may not have your knowledge of 'gate' David and may appreciate Stewart's input.
Added by Ian Hourston on 21 May 2015
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