Orkney Image Library

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Football team, 1931 Kevin writes: 'An old football pic. My grandfather, Davie Wooldrage is in the back row, left hand s...
Foootball trophies, 1931 Kevin writes: 'This one is of Orkney county football trophies from 1931 as far as I know.'
Aerial view of Stromness 1931 An aerial view of Stromness and beyond by Tom Kent. I'm assuming that the big shed at the head of th...
SS Borg ashore in Bisray Bay 5-7-31 A late Tom Kent picture
Aerial view of Kirkwall looking to Scapa, 1931 A Tom Kent picture. Hasn't Kirkwall grown! In 1931 it stopped at the Clay Loan and Great Western Roa...
Aerial view of Kirkwall looking west, 1931 A Tom Kent picture. This time we look from Bridge Street to the Peedie Sea, and can note the incr...
Kirkwall harbour from the air, 1931 A Tom Kent picture. Not as interesting as the other two aerial pictures of Kirkwall, only pier pr...
Roofing number 7 house, Skara Brae A Tom Kent picture from 1931, showing the then brand new roof over number 7, which is being modified...
Orkney Agricultural Society, 1931 A Tom Kent picture, showing the Orkney Agricultural Society outside the Ola prior to the meal for Co...
Site of Login's Well, Stromness. A Tom Kent picture, date unknown. Time to unseal the well perhaps? Or was it sealed up for a very...
KAOS and Ruddigore Another picture to compliment picture #159, of the opera Ruddigore. This one is unfortunately no...
Trampan blankets Jessie Ann and Lizzie Marwick washing blankets while staying at the house next to the Crafty, Juncti...

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