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St Andrews FC
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St Andrews FC

A Dougie Cooper picture from 1965. Names?
Picture added on 19 June 2006
back row: ??, ian rendall, leslie tait, robbie pottinger, walter scott, eddie craigie, johnny rosie (i think)
front row: eoin bews, alton tait, jocky rosie, watty shearer, ??
Added by Bruce Moar on 21 June 2006
This is not Johnny Rosie but actually Colin Tait
Added by Jacqueline Lennie on 22 June 2006
Syd Garrioch at front right
Added by Barbara Johnston on 27 June 2006
Sid Garrioch is the missing name he is on the front row extreme right. I actually took this picture as Dougie used to give me his camera to get teams in the country as he didn't drive, I took a few for him in the 60's
Added by Johnny Johnston on 05 August 2006
Leslie Foubister (manager) Ian Rendall, Leslie Tait, Robbie Pottinger, Walter Scott, Eddie Craigie, Colin Tait.
Eion Bews, Alton Tait, Jock Rosie, Watts Shearer, Sidney Garrioch

Added by Jock rosie on 07 September 2013
I used to see Sid when he used to visit here on holiday in Summer. He worked for BBC on remote radio station boosters in the Highlands.
Added by Jim Anderson on 18 February 2015
Syd still lives near Gairloch where he worked on the BBC transmitter maintenance team. This weekend (26/4/15) is the 50th anniversary of the BBC's first TV transmitter for the Western Isles (and was the last 405-line transmitter when Syd turned it off 20 years later!). He features in a Two Lochs Radio programme next Wednesday evening and repeated Sunday evening, telling tales of his life working for the BBC in the Highlands & Islands.
Added by Alex Gray on 25 April 2015
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