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Football team
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Football team

Probably late 20s early 30s. Willick Schollay front row right.
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Picture added on 27 September 2008
Goalkeeper "Thompo" Thompson
Added by David Tullock on 28 September 2008
I seem to think that this picture has appeared on this website before complete with names.

The query at that time was, which team was this?
Added by Peter Burges on 29 September 2008
Further to my comment of 5 minutes ago....try picture #176.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this team was considered to be "old timers" when this photo was taken and could easily have been in the late 1940's
Added by Peter Burges on 29 September 2008
Full details regarding this team and the occasion are on photo #176.
Anonymous comment added on 29 September 2008
Peter Burges sent me a copy of this photograph today and he has named the whole team in picture #176. My late father Josh Gourlay - who worked with Peter at Boots in Albert Street - is middle left. But it must be mid-late 1940s as my father didn't arrive in Orkney until after the Second World War.
Added by Joshua John Omand Anderson Gourlay on 29 September 2008
Willick used to talk about playing for the printers and painters team in the trades cup but i dont know if this is connected.
Added by John Schollay on 01 October 2008
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