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Standing L TO R Emma Peace,Moira Williamson,Mary Stevenson, Erland Stout, Adalene Corrigal,Irene Stout in front of Adalene, Pato Shearer,Anita Chalmers,Dolina Fotheringhame, Tom Stout, Tessa Rendall, Betty Fotheringhame, Margaret Scott,Pearl Miller,Billy Reid, Mary Croy, Mr Drever, Anne Mitchell. Front row L to R Allie Norquoy, Tom Miller, Jim Cooper, Hugh Stevenson

Picture added on 26 September 2008
Thanks, I really enjoyed lookan at these photos. My aunty bettys there too. Did you know any of the norquoys? I've been findan oot a few things lately but wid love to know anything you can tell me- thanks again linda
Added by Linda Newlands on 28 September 2008