Jim Cooper
Unknown group found this in a box of old pictures and have asked several older folk who this group are but no bod...
Stronsay Kirk Session 1901 Back row l to r Robert Miller Coweshouse, James Cooper Furrowend ,Tom Scott Dale, James Smith Midhou...
Burrs shop The date is only a guess. dont know who these people are but hope somebody out there might. Burrs sh...
William Brown Willie was a Sanday man, I think he came from Odinsgarth, maybe someone from Sanday will tell me I'm...
Dipping day in Auskerry L toR on the pier W Chalmers, a lighthouse keeper, Robert Shearer, Jackie Chalmers ,Edward Bews and ...
Burgh Head Stronsay Looking across Hells Mouth towards Burgh Head on a fine day.
Burgh Head Taken at exactly the same place as the last one but on another sort of a day . Now you know why it i...
Peat cutting The year is only a guess. Don't know the names of this group but I know a man who does, maybe with ...
Kirkwall trip to Stronsay Front row L to R John Peace, a very young Gracie Donaldson being carried by her auntie Grace, Sam Co...
Robbie Cooper on Housebay s first tractor The year is only a guess
Whales Whales on Rothiesholm sand 1950
Harvest James Maxwell, Newfield, harvesting with a one horse reaper