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Picture added on 16 June 2008
Turn right and you will see the caravan park.
Added by Calum Swanson on 17 June 2008
If only there was a councillor looking at these pictures .... they might be able to do something about it. What do you reckon Steven ?
Added by Whassigo on 19 June 2008
Dave, you know it would break my heart if there are less than 21 councillors looking at these pictures- but you are right, the Council should Do Something About It- I wouldn't be surprised if glaciers are in motion already. This is in Kirkwall West and Orphir by the way :-)
Added by Steven Heddle on 19 June 2008
If it's not to going to be used as a car park I'm sure they could manage to fit about half a dozen houses in there.
The council could make a few hundred thousand selling the plots.
The council could make a few hundred thousand selling the plots.
Added by Kirkwall Resident With Sense Of Humour on 20 June 2008
One good going severe gale could get rid of the lot - but pose a litter problem elsewhere I suppose. It's a shame that there's this open space not being put to use other than a repository for boats, trailers, mixers, etc. when kids are screaming out for places to play. Turn it into a grassy play park!
Added by Marion Mcleod on 21 June 2008
If we must have houses in there could they please have garages - ideally double garages. Some households have two cars nowadays, but they don't have two streets to park them on.
Added by Sandy on 21 June 2008
Sandy, you've cracked it. Garages on the ground floor and houses above. 2 problems solved with one solution. OIC did say they should restart to build houses, where better than in schemes they already own.
When are you standing for councillor?
When are you standing for councillor?
Added by Vote for Sandy on 21 June 2008
Nah! I have just recently retired from sitting about in offices, drinking tea and eating Kit Kats. It has made me a tired, awkward old man. But thanks for the thought.
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Added by Sandy on 22 June 2008