Orkney Image Library

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Hoy becomes Hoy and Walls
Added on 28 February 2023 at 21:31 by Steven Heddle
By popular request the area formerly known as Hoy in our Area categories has been changed to Hoy and Walls. I hope this meets the approval of the folk from Waas.
Catching seals for London Zoo
Added on 09 April 2020 at 21:43 by Steven Heddle
You could do that in the 60s appparently! Jim Eunson has posted a series of pictures from a scrapbook detailing this operation, and the first half have been uploaded to the public area of the site today. Come back tomorrow for the rest of these fascinating pictures!
Use the Latest Additions button
Added on 08 February 2017 at 23:21 by Steven Heddle
I'm delving into pictures that have been bulk uploaded in the past, that I've held back to avoid swamping you with images that are similar all at once. They don't show up in the thumbnails below, which is strictly chronological by the date the pictures were submitted - so you might not see them. But you will if you use the Latest Additions button.
Image Library charity calendar latest
Added on 20 May 2010 at 11:36 by Steven Heddle
Your support is requested for the inuagural Orkneycommunities.co.uk Charity Calendar for 2011. The calendar features pictures from the hugely popular Orkney Image Library, and all profits will go to local cancer charities- it is hoped to raise several thousand pounds for CLAN, Macmillan and CLIC Sargent. If the first one proves popular it is hoped to produce others in the coming years to benefit other local charities as well.


Likely images for 2011 calendar

What support can you give?

Well, to underwrite the production costs and increase the amount to charity we are looking for businesses and other bodies to sponsor individual months. For sponsorship of £100 you can get a colour banner on the page, carrying your message to the 1500 households that we hope will use it in 2011, and being associated with a very worthwhile project. The banner will be up to 3000mm2 in area, e.g. 200 x 15 mm or 55 x 55 mm.

Send an email to [email protected] if you wish to sponsor a month or find out more. Act quickly though as we will be finalising everything in the next few weeks!

The other support anyone can give is to buy it when it comes out, hopefully early in July. An ideal Christmas gift.

The calendar will be printed full colour on quality paper, opening to A3 size for the view per month. The featured picture will predominate, with a calendar section for notes on the rest of the page. However, as this is the Orkney Image Library we are talking about, we also have comments about the pictures and we'll be making use of this wealth of information too. Every picture tells a story, and production values will be high.

The pictures themselves are diverse, reflecting the range of contributions to the Image Library- some of the pictures that might be used can be seen here, subject to permission or availability of a large version. Grateful thanks goes to the many contributors who have already allowed their pictures to be used free of charge, and gone to the trouble to dig out high resolution versions.

Generally individual pictures will used per month but some work well together so there will be pages with themes. These are likely to be the County Show, the Otter Bank from launch as the Otter to the present day, and the Ring of Brodgar at night, from above and in the snow.

It's surely to destined become a sought after collectors item attracting bids of hundreds of pounds at the mart in years to come. Better buy two and keep one pressed flat, in a dark dry space.

Latest Pics

Family connected to Foubister's shopFire escape on hostel C blockOld coastguard slipway, StronsayTrumland House after the fire in 1985Small turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensA strangely low rainbow over StennessGolta Z Battery, Flotta.Limeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryJarvie Family 1920The Haven, Brims