Kirkwall Town Hall
Pictures showing the Toon Hall, in particular the laying of its foundation stone in 1884.
For pictures taken from the Town Hall, or inside it, do a search for 'Town Hall'
Broad Street celebration Craig sends in this picture from Dougie Shearer's collection, and asks for more information.
In t...
Town Hall and Post Office This picture submitter bt Craig shows the Post Office ( as indicated on the sign and the letters abo...
Beware of the Town Hall Broad Street closed yesterday as the looser bits of the Town Hall are secured or removed to prevent ...
Beware of the Town Hall 2 Despite their best efforts the workmen consistently missed the bin.
Taken yesterday, Sunday 5th J...
Town Hall foundation stone This photograph is very similar to picture #172. I always thought it was folk gathering for The Ba' ...
Ba' game As you can see, in this photograph the Town Hall is well under construction so perhaps the date is n...
Royal Visit The crowd on Broad Street waiting to greet the Royal visitors in August 1960.
[View from the Kir...