John Schollay
orkney sailing club pier committee Deciding the winner of the next race.
Rbt. Park My only info. on this photo is Rbt.Park( Bob) written on back.
orkneys future leaders-class of 53 Where are they now? If you recognize yourself I hope you've claimed your heating payment and pension...
Football team Probably late 20s early 30s. Willick Schollay front row right.
Girl Guides Tom Kent photo. Notice the lamp post in front of the cathedral.
useful artwork some iron work left over from the past SOMEWHERE in kirkwall
Norse invaders pillage garden Terror strikes peaceful Kirklands Road!
SUMMER AT SCAPA I can see yer all gettin depressed so lie on a towel in front o the fire and forget aboot the ba for...
I'm no very big and I'm awfy shy. Royal Navy flagship among tankers.