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Where are they now? If you recognize yourself I hope you've claimed your heating payment and pension credits.

Picture added on 11 September 2008
As you posted the photo, John, surely you know more of the names.
Anonymous comment added on 23 September 2008
to start you off... some of the ? are fred pirrie, jan garrioch, michael cormack, tony monkman.... now carry on (i cant remember anybody called 19/23 september 2008 in the class though, they could be twins.)
Added by John Schollay on 24 September 2008
Can't remember them all and some may be wrong.
Back row Fred Pirie, Douglas Lloyd, ?, Wishart Rosie, Robin Bain, Bruce Farquhar, Archer Kemp, Alistair Bews, jimmy Cromarty, Jan Garrioch, Michael Cormack
2nd row Miss Donald, ?, Robert Eunson, Sylvia Newlands, Betty Rorie
3rd row ?, Ann Sinclair?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Sheila Donaldson, Margaret Linklater, ?, ?, Isabella McCarry, Sheila McConville
4th row ?, Rita Fergus, Jaqueline Wylie, Marion Nicholson, Jean Foubister, Ruth Watson, ?, Jimmy Park, Stanley Pottinger, Ian Dowell, Alexander Newlands, Sandy Davidson, John Schollay
Back row Fred Pirie, Douglas Lloyd, ?, Wishart Rosie, Robin Bain, Bruce Farquhar, Archer Kemp, Alistair Bews, jimmy Cromarty, Jan Garrioch, Michael Cormack
2nd row Miss Donald, ?, Robert Eunson, Sylvia Newlands, Betty Rorie
3rd row ?, Ann Sinclair?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Sheila Donaldson, Margaret Linklater, ?, ?, Isabella McCarry, Sheila McConville
4th row ?, Rita Fergus, Jaqueline Wylie, Marion Nicholson, Jean Foubister, Ruth Watson, ?, Jimmy Park, Stanley Pottinger, Ian Dowell, Alexander Newlands, Sandy Davidson, John Schollay
Added by Rita Cowie [Fergus] on 25 September 2008
The teacher is Margaret Donald later Margaret Aitken who was the teacher at Stroma School her husband Jim Aitken was the lighthouse keeper there. Margaret wrote a couple of books about her life in Orkney.
Added by Fioa Thomson on 24 May 2009
Jeez I remember and recognise almost all the people in this photo. This was my class at KGS, but I am not in the photo. I think this must be primary 3. My parents sent me down to Aberdeen for a year. Is John Schollay the famous former drummer and layabout Nonny?
Added by Gillies Buchan on 27 January 2011
Nope, that is not Dougie Lloyd in the back row second from the left.
It is me. Tim.
Miss Donald wrote in my report "too much capering"
I have this on good authority, my Mother!
<< back
It is me. Tim.
Miss Donald wrote in my report "too much capering"
I have this on good authority, my Mother!
Added by Tim Clarke on 15 February 2014
Back row - ?, Douglas Lloyd, ?, Wishart Rosie, ?, ?, ?, Archer Kemp, Alistair Bews, Jim Cromarty, ?, ?
2nd row - ?, ?, ?, ?
3rd row - ?, Ann Sinclair, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Sheilah Donaldson, Marjory Linklater, ?, Pam Leslie or Mary Bews, Isabella McCarry, Sheila McConville
Front row - ?, Rita Fergus, ?, ?, ?, Ruth Watson, ?, Jimmy Park, Stanley Pottinger, ?, ?, Pat Sangster?, John Schollay