Orkney Image Library

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Loader Until Tarmac, road metal was loaded by shovel. To save loading time they made this loader at the...
Council Priestman Digger One of the diggers used in the Council water scheme, do not know any of the workmen?
Council Trencher Another one of the digging machines used to lay the Council new water scheme pipes.
Turbine awaiting transportation to Burger Hill After being driven off the 'Saint Brendan' parts of the turbine on Pickfords heavy duty vehicles bei...
Burgar Hill The experimental 3 MW turbine in the fore ground and the new smaller turbine which was erected in 19...
Tiger Moth, ex Orkney Flying Club OFC's original aircraft, now in private ownership, pictured here on a recent visit to Tommy Sinclair...
The One That Got Away Do you think Somerfield would want this one back? Spotted in the Peedie Sea last year.
Wireless The old Wireless Museum in St Margarets Hope. This equipment, and more, can be seen at the new Orkn...
Flett & Sons Another picture of J Flett & Son's Albion grocery van -BS1752 - year of manufacture 1938. When I dr...
Fire Engine A fire engine in Craigie Crescent. The date is a wild guess. Can any enthusiasts pin it down?

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