Orkney Image Library

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Earls Palace Straight Arch An image Chris took in 1961 of the original unsupported straight arch in the fireplace of the great ...
Shopping Week Band at Pierhead The year is a guess but I think it is early sixties. Does anyone know the band. Is it Eddie Edmonds?...
Pole Star The Pole Star at her pier in Stromness dressed overall?
Kytra Date only approx. The 'Kytra' under command of Captain Hamish Flett was a frequent visitor in both K...
Flett & Sons Flett & Son's Albion grocery van BS1752 (1938) I was the vanman at this time. The vanmen before m...
The Golden Slipper Willie Farquhar at Flett & Son's Albion grocery van outside the Golden Slipper Club. He was my la...
The Golden Slipper The Golden Slipper Club with Flett & Son's grocery van at the door - Albion van BS1752 (1938?)
Lighthouse tender, May, ashore on Rysa Little Not a very good photo but does show the ship is hard ashore. I might be wrong with the date but you...
Kirkwall Harbour Old post card of Kirkwall Harbour.
Bridge Street, Kirkwall Photo taken from Flett & Sons upstairs window. The lady crossing with arms folded in Joan Norn (now...
Flett & Sons Gladys Spence and Nina Laughton packing Flett & Sons wine biscuits into 1lb pokes. A tedious job. ...
German visitor at Kirkwall Pier German gunship alongside the pier with Flett & Sons lorry down delivering supplies. A very much smal...

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