Orkney Image Library

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Edwin Muir Pictured by Tom Kent in 1934.
Brims School Left to right:? ? ? ? Violet Gillespie, Mina Harrold, Andy Watters Middle:? Charlotte Watters ? ? ?...
Co-op van in Rousay This is a picture of my late grandfather Jacko Linklater ( Hecklo) taken with the Co-op van in Rousa...
KGS football team Could the contributor identify themselves and the picture please. Date read off ball.
Kirkwall Grammar School Date is an estimate. My aunty Kathie Stockan nee'Grieve is sitting second on the right, second row...
Harvest at Fursbreck Harvest scene at Fursbreck, Harray. The lady in front is my Aunty Annie (Johnstone nee Clouston), n...
Baikie's bus, Evie My cousin in America sent me this picture. Not sure who the two boys are but one might be the late ...
Garden Cup Winners 1934 With the football season fast approaching, this excellent photo by the late J.W.Sinclair is indeed a...
First Post Original envelope sent by Fresson Air Mail 1934.
1st Kirkwall Team The Life Boys 1934 This Team under the leadership of Capt.William Burges and his Lieutenant Alfie Brodie. The date is ...
Fish curers et al. at Fish Mart Circa 1934. Can anyone put some more names to this.

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