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With the football season fast approaching, this excellent photo by the late J.W.Sinclair is indeed a "blast from the past"
Back row standing left to right:-David Horne,George Newlands,Tommy Thomson,Freddie Copland,Frank Forbes,Sandy Heddle,and Jocky Sinclair.
Front row seated left to right:-William Foulis,Billy Jolly,George(Todo)Borwick,Ian Smith,and Izat(Chuffy)Muir.
Is the trades cup ever played for these days or is it also consigned to the past?
Peter Burges.

Picture added on 21 April 2008
Is the Freddie Copland the Frederick C Copland who married Edith Sinclair in 1944 in Kirkwall. I am cousin of Edith's and would be interested to Know. Willie Sinclair
Added by Willie Sinclair on 02 May 2011
The only thing I can tell you about Freddie is that he and his wife lived in White Street at one time and he may have been a joiner to trade.
The only thing I can tell you about Freddie is that he and his wife lived in White Street at one time and he may have been a joiner to trade.
Added by Peter Burges on 03 May 2011
Would the 'Jocky Sinclair' in the picture later be the Barber who used to come into the Balfour Hospital (1949) to help make us look more respectable?
Added by Anonymous. on 04 May 2011
Jocky Sinclair was indeed the barber you mention.
He was also a very good footballer himself and also an officer in the 1st Kirkwall Company Boys Brigade.
He was also a very good footballer himself and also an officer in the 1st Kirkwall Company Boys Brigade.
Added by Peter Burges on 06 May 2011
If Jocky Sinclair visited the Balfour in 1948, he was the barber who appointed me his 'lather boy' when I was recovering from a very dirty appendix abscess. I tottered round the ward, lathering-up the chins of those who needed a shave, while he followed with his cutthroat razors, removing the stubble with seemingly lightning speed.
Added by Ian Hourston on 08 May 2011
In 1949, the hospital had German maids (big strappan' lasses they wir).
To improve their education, we were teaching them dialect. The word of this day was 'peedie'.
When Jocky came in that evening, the maid pointed at him and said "peedie boy". He was not amused.
He may have thought that we referred to him as that behind his back. (We didn't.)
As I was from the North Isles, I did not have many visitors, so Arthur Borwick, another patient, used to send some of his friends to talk to me.
To improve their education, we were teaching them dialect. The word of this day was 'peedie'.
When Jocky came in that evening, the maid pointed at him and said "peedie boy". He was not amused.
He may have thought that we referred to him as that behind his back. (We didn't.)
As I was from the North Isles, I did not have many visitors, so Arthur Borwick, another patient, used to send some of his friends to talk to me.
Added by Anonymous. on 09 May 2011
William Foulis (Jock or Pontee) was my dad. He treasured this photo for years. I thought it was lost but found on this site. Great to see, thank you Peter Burges.
Added by Wilf Foulis 22 april 2012 on 22 April 2012
Fred Copland was indeed a joiner with Orkney Builders in my young days but I suspect he may have been a boatbuilder or shipwright in earlier days, as I remember him doing ship related woodwork on various jobs around the pier in my young day. Also he was often on Harbour Commisioners work (Fenders, Store doors etc) before OIC took over the Piers. - Sandy W will probably have more info on this.
Added by Willie Mackay on 23 April 2012
I think Fred Copland was at the building o the "Sheena" at Maxwells in 1947
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Added by Mike Nicolson on 23 April 2012