Orkney Image Library

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Imperial Hotel, Albert Street, Kirkwall This is quite interesting. I was wondering where it was when I chanced across it, and only worked it...
Detail from Imperial Hotel picture This shows detail from two areas of picture #152, the Imperial Hotel in Albert Street.
A new era Monday 28th January 1901, a day of wind and snow as bad as anyone can remember. Having marched arou...
Barbara Margaret Bell The eldest daughter of Dr Walter Leonard Bell and his wife, Margaret Lendrum Scarth, the youngest da...
Kirk green A Tom Kent postcard, date unknown. Paul ?
Stronsay Kirk Session 1901 Back row l to r Robert Miller Coweshouse, James Cooper Furrowend ,Tom Scott Dale, James Smith Midhou...
Mrs J Croy Grocer My gt grandmother Betsy Croy nee Dennison. My grandfather looks to be aged about 2 so I based the d...
Proclamation This photo,taken from a different angle to picture #2942, but taken while the proclamation was being...
Mystery group This photo appears to be about the same time as picture #152, 1901. Somewhere in Kirkwall. Anyone kn...
Tankerness School Tankerness School circa 1901

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