The Orkney Image Library
No: 869 Contributor: Steven Heddle Year: 2005
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Again at the Holms of Ire. I fondly imagined this to be a fossil, but my more sceptical friend sugested it was just a bleached shadow of something which had been attached to the rock.
In a rare instance of a meaningful consultation exercise I ask for the opinions of the Orkneycommunities readership. If only Scottish Water were so considerate to do so before adulterating our water (re. chloranimation announcement- write to your elected representatives now!)...
Picture added on 28 July 2005
A friend from skye called such features "geranium maritima haggii", favorite dish of the unfortunately already extinct "cuillin haggis" ... But I think your friend is right ... ;-)
Added by Wolfgang on 29 July 2005
Definitely not a fossil - in my younger days I was a geologist - these marks are on the rock surface, and not running through it. One for the sceptics, I'm afraid! Some people are also fooled by the marks that gastropods leave on the rock as they scrape off the algae in methodical lines.
Added by John Moar on 19 October 2011
I was hoping a geologist, former or current, would comment on my pics #25476 & #25518. How about having a go Mr Moar? But maybe I'll have to wait 5 years, as Steven did - a dodgy prospect for an octogenarian.
Added by Ian Hourston on 19 October 2011
With reference to 'the marks gastropods leave on the rock' I'll submit an image of a gastropod mark of a slightly different nature.
Added by Ian Hourston on 21 October 2011
With reference to 'the marks gastropods leave on the rock' I'll submit an image of a gastropod mark of a slightly different nature.
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Added by Alan on 22 October 2011