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Post Office Football Team
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Post Office Football Team

Taken before the game against Caithness, date is a guess but within a year or two.
Back Row L-R: Jim Cormack, Kenny Christie, David Drever, Raymie Peace, Douglas Forsyth, Nicky Barnett. Front Row L-R: Ian Fraser, Norrie Drever, Phil Findlater, Norman Archbold, Myself and Kevin Kingston.
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Picture added on 08 February 2008
I'd like to see Big Raymie in that shirt now!
Added by Davie Miller on 12 February 2008
Breathe in boys!! :)
Added by GBM on 13 February 2008
I'd like to see peedie Archie in that shirt noo!
Added by RSS on 14 February 2008
Norrie looks like he's admiring Ram Jam's hairy legs.
Added by Whassigo on 16 February 2008
Never mind Norrie admiring my hairy legs, there's a gap on the left that he seems to be eyeing up????
Added by Ramjam on 29 December 2010
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