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Netherbutton- the end
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Netherbutton- the end

Date is estimated, but I'm sure the pylons came down in the eighties. This picture from Peter shows the end of the last pylon after an intersting life of 40-odd years, starting as part of the WWII radar defense network, then as a general communications mast and/or TV transmitter until the masts on Keelyland and Wideford took over.

As Peter says:
'Enclosed photo,which I hope will complement Cousin Tom's previous picture of the Netherbutton Pylons, see picture #199, shows how the mighty eventually fell.'
Picture added on 08 July 2005
I went up there as a peedie boy with my dad before they were pulled down, and I was born in '80, so I'd guess '85. We have them being toppled on video I think.
Added by PJ Gaudie on 21 November 2009
There were two pylons used after the war, one used for VHF TV 405 lines - BBC1 & Grampian TV. 405 Lines VHF TV closed at Netherbutton around January 1985. The other mast was used for VHF ( FM Radio) BBC Radio 2 ( shared with Radio 1 back then) Radio 3 & Radio 4/ Scotland ( again, a shared channel - 93.7 Mhz) This was mono sound, until a new mast was built on Keeylang Hill in 1985 & switched on in Febuary 1986, with lovely stereo sound at long last! One of the original transmitter valves from Netherbutton can be seen in The Orkney Wireless Museum.
Added by Al Hine on 21 April 2010
does anyone remember who it was that came to Orkney to set the service up for the BBC ?
Anonymous comment added on 06 August 2011
I don't think ITV / Grampian TV would have ever been transmitter from Netherbutton. Their transmitter site was Rumster Forest in Caithness which is still used for Freeview.

Netherbutton relayed BBC1 from Thrumster via a relay station at Brabstermire in Caithness.
Added by MartinBriscoe on 30 July 2014
it was Eve Construction that took the last 2 down in 85
Added by Dunrena Mcbeth on 28 May 2024
"does anyone remember who it was that came to Orkney to set the service up for the BBC ?
Anonymous comment added on 06 August 2011"

I have met many people over the years who worked at Netherbutton.

There would not have been one person who set up the service, various people would have been there for surveys and various aspects of the installation.
Added by Martin Briscoe on 24 July 2024
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