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Alan writes:

'Photographed in Kirkwall this week, I presume it is a dragonfly, about 2 inches long. It is the first one I've seen here. Any information would be interesting.'
Picture added on 14 June 2005
Came upon this fine photo while random-surfing. You've waited a long time for 'any information' Alan, and I'm afraid I'm not going to supply much.
It's a damselfly rather than a dragonfly (damsels are very slender and rest with wings folded, not extended as with dragonflies). I'm no entomologist, let alone an odonatist, but to me it doesn't look quite right to be a Blue-tailed Damselfly, which occurs in Orkney. Rather more like a female Northern Damselfly, said to be found in just a few locations in Scotland, of which Orkney isn't one according to my books. Anyone currently active on the Orkney wildlife scene (eg the biodiversity centre) would probably give you at least a steer in the right direction. Of course, your insect may well have been positively identified at some point within the last six-and-a-half years; if so please do tell us.
Added by Ian Hourston on 14 January 2012
We have a few of these in our garden recently. They appeared to be mating on bog-bean plants. We stay in Kirkwall.
Added by Barbara on 07 August 2013
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