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101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery
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101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery

This is the cover page of a booklet which was published in 1946 by the former commanding officer of the regiment at the time.
The Orkney interest in this regiment was,(and i'm sure still is), that the Orkney Territorials at the beginning of the war, the 226 Battery,were part of this regiment,men of which came from all parts of the UK.
There follows this a further seven files taken from this book. It is to be hoped that further photos will follow from any interested party and help to build up an album of this regiment and particularly the 226 Battery
Picture added on 03 October 2007
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101st Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment
How interesting to be looking at the same booklet a copy of which is currently on my desk as I write this! The author of the pamphlet is my late uncle, John Green, then a Lt Col. This was sent to me last week by my cousin, as I am trying to find out more about his 2ww military career. Anecdotal family evidence has it that he went to france with the BEF, and was fortunate enough to return during the 'Dunkirk' evacuation. He possibly spent some time in the NE of England in anti aircraft duties, possibly in the Leeds & Hull areas, though this is a bit hazy in my memory. Can you help me with this quest? if not, can you point me in the right direction? He was not a regular officer, as he worked before and after ww2 for ICI.
Anything you can do to help would be appreciated. Thank you, John Prosser.
Added by John Prosser on 19 November 2007
Hi guys I'm in the Royal Artillery too but I'm just an army cadet
Added by Ross Bishop on 04 March 2008
My father, Arthur Upton, was stationed on Orkney during the war, don't have any infrmation, just know he was in R.A, possibly attached to R.E.M E
Added by Dian Stones on 01 March 2009
My father, Bill Tickle was part of 226 Battery, 101st H.A.A. and was stationed in Orkney during WWII. He's originally from Wigan, is still alive aged 91 but is now blind and doesn't have the sight to identify any of the chaps in the various photos on this site. However, he remembers every name I've mentioned. He has a few photos which I'll try to scan in and upload here in the hope that someone may recognize a few faces.
Added by Steve Tickle on 06 June 2010
My grandad bdr a.rosie was in the regiment. Does anybody remember him and any photos
Added by Neilrosie on 13 January 2011
Neil, have a look at picture #24559
Added by Bruce Moar on 15 January 2011
In answer to your question Neil.If you look at page 38 of this booklet (picture #4953) you will see the names of:-
Bdr A. Rosie, 8 High Street, Kirkwall. and L/Sgt. G. Rosie, at the same home address.
They are presumably brothers.
Now look at picture #24409 and the gentleman standing on the extreme left, on board ship, This in my opinion is either A.Rosie or G Rosie, and I like to think it is A,if A stands for Alan. Perhaps you can confirm this.
Added by Peter Burges. on 16 January 2011
Any other photos of Bdr A . Rosie please - thanks, Neil
Anonymous comment added on 04 February 2012
My late Father Stanley Fredrick Causon was a Gunner stationed at the Orkney Camp for a Period of 18 Months and thoroughly enjoyed his time there as he loved the open Countryside having been brought up at Old Sodbury Nr. Bristol. and often when time allowed he used to walk into Kirkwall or Stromness. His Commanding Officer was a Capt Cooper. He had a photograph of all Lads stationed with him in an official photograph taken but unfortunately it was lost.This was taken I believe in about 1943 and I would love to get a replacement if this is possible. He never would accept Promotion as although he was 41 years of age when Called up for Service he preferred to be with the young Lads rather than to be confined to the Sgs.Mess During his life he never drank Alcohol and was a very serious minded man.He had a photographic memory and as a child I remember him giving me all the details of the Working of a Heavy Ack Ack Gun.As a young man he worked in the Coal Mines in South Wales. Had he been ambitious to have accepted Promotion he was the type who would probably have ended up an R.S.M..

Added by Alan Causon on 15 April 2024
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101st Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment

101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery101st H.A.A Rgt. Royal Artillery101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery in action.101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery in action.101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery in action.